What is Infographics? (Part 1)

3 min readMay 31, 2021


This generation of modern world is called Information generation. Each day Internet network is getting heavier with information like text, images, videos, blogs, websites etc. We (people) are consuming lots of information in our day to day life. Only the information creation is not sufficient, we have to think about how to show information in effective and proper way so that a person is able to consume it in less time and in effective and engaging way. These aims can be achieved with the help of Infographics.
Infographics and data visualizations are all around us. We are surrounded by visuals representation of information- charts, maps, icons, progress bars, signs, posters, diagrams and online visuals. These are all example of visual communication, but all of these are not infographic.

What is Infographics now???

Presenting the information with the help of Graphics is called Infographics, so that it can be engaging, interesting and takes less time to understand.

  • Infographics are a fun and quick way to learn about a topic without a ton of heavy reading.
  • Infographics are a combination of both graphics and information. Infographics use the elements of design (like lines, text, boxes and symbols) to visually represent the content.
  • It’s a way of talking numbers, spreadsheets and other kind of data and turn into one page of easily digestible and attractive graphics.
  • It can improve cognition by utilizing graphics to enhance the human visual system’s ability to see patterns and trends.

Example: Showing finance related information in interesting way.

Why Infographics? And how is it effective?

There are a number of reasons why visual information is a more effective form of communication for humans. To understand the effectiveness of Infographics we should know more about brain first,

Brain information processing

Our mind processes information in following generalize steps,

  • We sense things, data (sense through our sensors like sight, touch, hearing, smell, taste)
  • Our sensors send messages to our brain
  • Our mind process these messages and make information (Understanding)
  • Our mind stores this information in memory (Remembering)
  • Next time when we need, our mind provides information from memory. (Recognition and recall)

Some facts about BRAIN

In next article ‘Infographics Part 2’ we will be learning about ‘Picture Superiority Effect’, ‘Iconic Representation’ and ‘Contents of an Infographic’ in deep.
Some examples of great Infographics are given below, Enjoy…!!!

Source: http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2012/08/29/beyond-wireframing-real-life-ux-design-process/

Source: http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/infographics-web-designers/

Chapter 2: Infographics Part 2: Iconic Representation >>








Cool Infographics: Effective Communication with Data Visualization and Design

About Author
Abhishek jain
Design Lead UX Researcher

Originally published at https://www.uxness.in.




Written by UXness

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